Tangle Stepouts by

Dolly Bolen

All of the patterns or tangles Dolly Bolen developed stepouts for are her own creation inspired by architecture, nature, photography or random things she appreciated in a new way.

Dolly draws daily for enjoyment so many times her patterns appear in her art many years before she draws the stepouts. Creation of patterns or tangles are not determined by any rules in Dolly’s opinion because patterns exist everywhere. Dolly’s patterns will be published here on her website, on her social media on Facebook, Instagram and on the Zentangle Mosaic App (@DollyBolenCZT15). Sometimes Dolly releases her tangles only in her Zentangle classes first so that they are exclusive to her classes then later on she will release her special tangles to the public. Enjoy!


New Exciting Tangles by Dolly Bolen!

“Bling Bunny” by Dolly Bolen

Hopping into Spring, “Bling Bunny” is a creative, cute Bunny who loves Bling! Change the eyes and she can look sweet. She was born in Alberta, loves adventure and colour!

Have fun creating your own “Bling Bunny!”

“Bling Bunny” by Dolly Bolen

“Spruce Cone Kisses” by Dolly Bolen

Nature provides so much inspiration for Dolly when she is enjoying the outdoors. Dolly takes tons of photos when she is out walking. Through the lens of her camera she notices the amazing patterns in nature like this one inspired by Spruce Cones. Dolly thought the pattern on Spruce Cones resembled chocolate kisses, so she named her tangle “Spruce Cone Kisses!”

“Spruce Cone Kisses” by Dolly Bolen


“Baseball Seam” by Dolly Bolen

While tangling on a tile from a swap exchange Dolly created baseball circles in her additions on the tile from a new friend. “Baseball Seam” appeared for the first time on that very tile. A great border tangle, Baseball Seam can be used to around the edge of a composition or as a fun rip in a seam or seams.

“Baseball Seam” by Dolly Bolen


“Spruce Cone Rose” by Dolly Bolen

Walking through the woods is a fantastic way to connect with nature. Dolly noticed on many of her walks that Spruce Cones resembled roses so she created a tangle to celebrate their wonderful shapes.

“Spruce Cone Rose” by Dolly Bolen


“Heart Song” by Dolly Bolen

Dolly developed her tangle “Heart Song” when she was creating her “Trust Your Heart Song” Zentangle class. This fun, heartfelt tangle looks like a heart with a hairdo.

“Heart Song” by Dolly Bolen


“Hip Rose” by Dolly Bolen

This tangle was created in honour of Carmelle, a good friend of mine who is no longer with us. Carmelle's daughter Carol became my good friend too.

“Hip Rose” by Dolly Bolen


“Christmas Rose” by Dolly Bolen

Dolly loves all types of flowers. Reading a magazine she discovered a flower called a Christmas Rose that only blooms at Christmas! The article and photos inspired Dolly to create an abstract version of Christmas Rose. Dolly created her Christmas Rose Floralscape Tile© below on the stepout page in the shape of a Christmas Rose!

“Christmas Rose” by Dolly Bolen


“Sparkle Flake” by Dolly Bolen

Dolly loves Winter! “Sparkle Flake” was created in 2022 when Dolly was drawing snowflakes in her sketchbook. Celebrate Winter by drawing Sparkle Flake! You can add a sparkly Zen Gem in the centre to add more bling!

“Sparkle Flake” by Dolly Bolen

“Cloud Tree” by Dolly Bolen

“Cloud Tree” was created when Dolly was tangling a Tanglescape Tile© (3’ x 5” from her Tanglescape Tile© package) for a class and this came out of nowhere! Dolly loves to draw!

“Cloud Tree” by Dolly Bolen

“Sparkle Web Marquise” by Dolly Bolen

“Sparkle Web Marquise” emerged when Dolly was drawing her tangle “Sparkle Web” in her sketchbook thinking about old fashioned Christmas ornaments. This spectacular tangle can be made into shiny and sparkly jewels, florals or abstract Marquise diamond shapes. Put some sparkle in your life with Sparkle Web Marquise!

“Sparkle Web Marquise” by Dolly Bolen


“Sparkle Web” by Dolly Bolen

While exploring in her sketchbook last year, Dolly created “Sparkle Web.” Depending on how Sparkle Web is drawn it can look very different, as an abstract web or floral. Please try Sparkle Web! Creating web like patterns is fun!

“Sparkle Web” by Dolly Bolen


“Asheville A” by Dolly Bolen

“Asheville A” was inspired by a lovely border on a building in Asheville, NC. Dolly developed the tangle after attending Tangle U, a Zentangle Retreat in Asheville, NC in May of 2019

“Asheville A” by Dolly Bolen


“Asheville Corner C” by Dolly Bolen

“Asheville Corner C” was a tangle developed after Dolly visited Asheville, NC during Tangle U, a Zentangle Retreat in May of 2019.

Dolly planned to create her own tangle alphabet which she is still working on.

“Asheville Corner C” by Dolly Bolen


“Banana Leaves” by Dolly Bolen

While on vacation at Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas, Dolly created a tangle she named “Banana Leaves.” Beautiful scenery inspired Dolly’s tangle she first drew on January 2, 2019. Take a tropical vacation while trying Banana Leaves!

“Banana Leaves” by Dolly Bolen


“Cozy Heart” by Dolly Bolen

“Cozy Heart” resembles a heart in a sleeping bag, all cozy! Dolly developed Cozy Heart during Valentangle 2018.

“Cozy Heart” by Dolly Bolen


“Dove” by Dolly Bolen

“Dove” was a tangle Dolly developed for her daughter Doveina. Dove resembles an abstract Dove in a fragment but together can represent many Doves.

“Dove” by Dolly Bolen


“Heart Thread” by Dolly Bolen

“Heart Thread” was a tangle Dolly developed to celebrate her love of sewing.

“Heart Thread” by Dolly Bolen


“Heart Thread Border” by Dolly Bolen

“Heart Thread Border” was a tangle Dolly developed when she drew Heart Thread for the first time. C shapes make up Heart Thread Border, a simple stoke of the pen.

“Heart Thread Border” by Dolly Bolen


“Love Script” by Dolly Bolen

“Love Script” was a tangle born out of the way Dolly signs her name on her art and a style she uses in her handwriting with a heart at the end of her words. Dolly loves all types of lettering.

In 1986 - 1987 Dolly took Commercial Signwriting, a yearlong hand lettering course at Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) in Edmonton, AB, learning how to hand draw and paint letters on signs.

“Love Script” by Dolly Bolen


“Maggie May” by Dolly Bolen

Dolly first drew “Maggie May” on February 12, 2022 but she didn’t create the stepout right away.

Maggie May was created from images she saw in magazines and on tv. Her daughter Doveina used to call magazines, maggies when she was a toddler. May is when she created the stepout for this floral tangle which Doveina said looked like a space flower. Dolly thought it looked like an abstract flower so she is sure everyone will see something different in this versatile tangle!

“Maggie May” by Dolly Bolen


“Mush Rooms” by Dolly Bolen

“Mush Rooms” was inspired by sliced mushrooms. Dolly was cooking sliced mushrooms with garlic and butter, the arrangement of the mushrooms in the frying pan was so interesting that right there and then she decided it would make a great tangle! After playing around in her sketchbook with several ideas, Dolly came up with her tangle Mush Rooms!

Please try Mush Rooms, drawing on your imagination to create your own whimsical creations.

“Mush Rooms” by Dolly Bolen


“Para” by Dolly Bolen

“Para” was a tangle Dolly developed to honour her husband Billy, a Paratrooper (now retired from the regular force) but is a Canadian Ranger reservist in the Canadian Army.

“Para” by Dolly Bolen


“Plumeria” by Dolly Bolen

“Plumeria” was a tangle Dolly developed after visiting Hawaii. Dolly loved all the fragrant flowers in Hawaii, taking tons of original photos to capture their beauty.

“Plumeria” by Dolly Bolen


“Shattered Mosaic” by Dolly Bolen

“Shattered Mosaic” was a tangle Dolly developed when she was creating a painting in 2012 a year before she discovered Zentangle art.

Now whenever Dolly creates a floral acrylic painting her unique signature style is using Shattered Mosaic as the background with her flowers.

“Shattered Mosaic” by Dolly Bolen


“Tangle Mountain” by Dolly Bolen

“Tangle Mountain” was created out of Dolly’s love for the Rocky Mountains and her favourite sport skiing! Dolly experienced horseback riding to the top of mountains, something she will never forget!

“Tangle Mountain” by Dolly Bolen


“Tuft” by Dolly Bolen

“Tuft” was a tangle Dolly developed after visiting a hotel with a huge round bench full of pillows. The simplest everyday items can inspire Dolly in developing her patterns or tangles.

“Tuft” by Dolly Bolen


“Vings” by Dolly Bolen

“Vings” was a tangle Dolly created when she was sharpening her coloured pencils. The lovely pattern pencil shavings made, swirling around inspired this fantastic pattern.

“Vings” by Dolly Bolen


“Vintage” by Dolly Bolen

“Vintage” was a tangle Dolly that appeared in one of her drawings so she created a pattern out of it.

“Vintage” by Dolly Bolen


“Vintage Heart” by Dolly Bolen

“Vintage Heart” was a tangle Dolly appeared to her when she was creating her tangle “Vintage.” Dolly loves to use hearts in her art!

“Vintage Heart” by Dolly Bolen


“Wild Alberta” by Dolly Bolen

Dolly created her “Wild Alberta” tangle after taking photos of Wild Roses in Alberta, Canada at her fave park. Noticing the petals had heart shapes at the top of some Wild Roses, Dolly set about drawing out steps (stepout) to Wild Alberta. The aroma, beauty and the fact Wild Roses are the provincial flower of Alberta, Canada made this tangle extra special to Dolly!

“Wild Alberta” by Dolly Bolen