Photography by Dolly Bolen

New photos coming soon…

I enjoy taking photos at my favourite places in Sturgeon County, Alberta, Canada.

I sometimes use filters on my Panasonic Lumix to create more artsy photos or I edit my photos in Photoshop. I love to play around with colour and texture so my photos look like paintings without all the time it takes to paint! I especially love the oil painting filter because I have tried oil painting on canvas but it is not for me. Oil painting in Photoshop is the way to go, in my opinion!

Most of the time I take my photos with my Panasonic Lumix but occasionally I take a photo with my iPhone 11 Pro and edit it in Photoshop.


My daughter Doveina gave me some Tulips for Mother’s Day! I took this photo with my iPhone 11 Pro. I love the shine on the petals!